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Introducing: Apple Books and Google Play

How do you like to read? Paperbacks, ereaders, on your tablet or do you read on your phone?

Sometimes, especially when on the go, having all your books with you on your phone is really convenient. Yes, there are lots of reading apps you can download, like Kindle or Kobo, but did you know that all Android and Apple phones come with a native reading app preinstalled?

Meow free at Apple BooksOn iPhones (and iPads and Mac computers), that’s Apple Books. You can find both ebooks and audiobooks on there. They also have a nifty reading tracker to keep track of your read books. In addition, you can set a reading goal to get encouraging words of motivation.

Want to try it? Grab my freebie, Meow, by clicking on the image!


On Android phones and tablets, you can find books and audiobooks in the Google Play store. One thing I love  is that Google has some really cool deal features:

  • series subscriptions (subscribe to a series for a discount)
  • bundle deals (the more books you buy in a series, the bigger a discount you get)

As you probably guessed, all my books are available both at Google Play and on the Apple Books store.

Which platform do you prefer to read on?

In this series, I introduce various book retailers and services to help you find the best book deals and reading experiences. Previous posts:
